Want to get involved in advocating for and shaping the recreation and on the land sectors in the NWT? Join our Board of Directors!
This year, the NWT faced many evacuation alerts and orders, creating a challenging summer filled with displaced people due to wildfires.
As a result, the 2023 Conference has been postponed to October 2024; however, our AGM will be hosted online and will take place on November 15, 2023, from 12:00 to 1:00 PM, offering our Members across the
territory the opportunity to connect and vote for new Directors.
We are now accepting nominations for the following Board positions:
Beaufort/Delta Director (2-year term)
(Akłarvik / Aklavik, Teet’łit Zheh / Fort McPherson, Paulatuuq / Paulatuk, Ikaahuk / Sachs Harbour, Inuuvik / Inuvik , Uluksaqtuuq / Ulukhaktok , Tuktuuyaqtuuq/Tuktoyaktuk, Tsiigehtchic)
Dehcho Director (2-year term)
(Kakisa, Zhatıé Kų́ę́ / Fort Providence, Tthets’éhk’édélı̨ / Jean Marie River, Pedzéh Kı̨́ / Wrigley, Tthennáágó / Nahanni Butte, Sambaa K’e , Echaotı’ı̨ı̨ Kųę / Fort Liard , Łı́ı́dlı̨ı̨ Kų́ę / Fort Simpson)
Director at Large (2-year term)
Any NWT community
Yellowknife Director (2-year term)
Time Commitment
The NWTRPA Board of Directors is a volunteer position. The Board meets online/teleconference 3-4 times a year and in-person 2-3 times a year for a two-day, face-to-face meeting usually in Winter, Spring/Summer, and in the Fall at our Conference/AGM.
Board members may be asked to join certain committees or working groups that will require additional conference calls and volunteer work. Aside from meetings, Board members can take part in other activities to support the organization.
Nominees must be residents of the NWT.
Nominees must be able to meet the time commitments of regularly attending board meetings.
Nominees must be NWTRPA members and reside in the region they are nominated for.
Previous volunteer experience is considered an asset.
Experience in recreation, sport, land-based and cultural activities is considered an asset.
Experience with finance, board governance, policy, and non-profit groups is considered an asset.
The Role of the NWTRPA Board of Directors:
Create and update policy
Monitor that policies are being followed
Complete tasks assigned to the Board in policy
Report to the membership
To Submit a Nomination
Nominees must be NWTRPA members and reside in the region they are nominated for.
Nominations MUST be received by 12 PM on November 14 (the day before the AGM).
Submit an online nomination
Download a printable Board Nomination form and return to: Attn: Sheena Tremblay, NWTRPA Executive Director Email: stremblay@nwtrpa.org Fax: (867) 669-8375
About the NWTRPA Board of Directors
The NWT Recreation and Parks Association has an eight-person volunteer Board of Directors. The Board is comprised of a President, a Director-at-Large and six regional members from across the NWT. The Board of Directors sets goals for the organization and monitors the progress toward reaching those goals.
The NWTRPA Board of Directors meets at a minimum of six times per year including three face-to-face meetings (in various NWT communities) and three online/conference call meetings. Face-to-face meetings are typically two days in length while conference calls last up to two hours.
The Role of the NWTRPA Board of Directors:
Create and update policy
Monitor that policies are being followed
Complete tasks assigned to the Board in policy
Report to the membership
Unsure if you or the nominee are a member?
Contact us at admin@nwtrpa.org for support!