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2022 NWTRPA Award Winners!

Each year, the NWTRPA presents awards to celebrate and recognize dedicated recreation professionals and volunteers in northern communities for their continuing efforts and achievements in promoting recreation and active living for all northerners.

The NWTRPA has a long history of celebrating and recognizing dedicated recreation professionals and volunteers in northern communities through its awards program and we're excited to do so once again this year!

The 2022 NWTRPA Awards Committee selected the following individuals as the recipients of the 2022 NWTRPA Awards:

  • Elder Award Winner: Jeffrey Amos (Inuuvik / Inuvik)

The NWTRPA Elder Award recognizes an Elder that is sharing their knowledge in a good way with the community and supporting others to be healthy. In this way, the nominee contributes to and is engaged in community life. The Elder has positive relationships with all generations, themselves, each other, and the land.

  • Innovation Award Winner: Mercedes Rabesca (Behchokǫ̀)

The Innovation Award recognizes a community, organization, or individual in the NWT that has developed a creative, unique, or inventive program, facility, or approach to recreation and On the Land Programs. The nominee demonstrates a commitment to improving access and opportunities for community members to choose an active and healthy lifestyle.

The NWTRPA will join the Annual Ediwa Weyallon Handgames Tournament in Behchokǫ̀ to present and deliver the 2022 NWTRPA Innovation Award. The ceremony will take place this Friday, March 10, 2023 – 11:00 AM, at the Sportsplex in Behchokǫ̀.

  • Scott McAdam Youth Leadership Award Winner: Alaina Joe Beaudin (Inuuvik / Inuvik)

The Scott McAdam Youth Leadership Award recognizes a youth under the age of 24 for outstanding achievements and contributions towards improving the quality of life of members of their community through volunteerism, work experience, and studies.

  • Honourary Life Membership: Colin MacPherson (SÇ«Ì€mba K’è / Yellowknife)

Honourary Life Membership recognizes a member who has made an outstanding contribution to the recreation and parks field, who has significantly served the NWT Recreation and Parks Association and is nearing or has reached the end of their career in the recreation and parks field. This award may recognize individuals or organizations.

  • Additionally, we would like to congratulate Shawna McLeod for being awarded the 2022 CPRA Award of Merit!

This Award recognizes efforts of individuals/organizations/ community groups/ corporations in each province and territory who have influenced the parks and recreation sector in a local, regional and/or national capacity.

Following efforts to decolonize the Awards program, each NWTRPA Award recipient will select how they wish to receive their award in their community. These events will honour the winners for their continuing efforts and achievements in promoting recreation and active living for all Northerners.

Stay tuned to hear all about each recipient's Award Celebrations in their community!

Thank you to everyone who submitted a nomination this year!

Congratulations to the Award Recipients once again! We look forward to celebrating your achievement!




NWT Recreation and Parks Association Box 841, 4908 49th Street
Yellowknife, NT X1A 2N6

The NWT Recreation and Parks Association's physical office is located in SÇ«Ì€mba K'è on Chief Drygeese Territory in Treaty 8, the traditional home of the Yellowknives Dene and the North Slave Métis, also known as Yellowknife, Northwest Territories.

P. (867) 669-8375      

F. (867) 669-6791

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